If you have been injured at work, pharmacy you must report the incident and injury to your supervisor immediately. Do not allow your pride or fear stop you from reporting the matter to your employer. Employers are not allowed to retaliate against you or take adverse employment action against you for making a worker’s compensation claim. They are statutorily required to provide worker’s compensation coverage to all employees. If your employer terminates your employment because you made a worker’s compensation claim, viagra you may have a right to sue your employer for wrongful termination.
Once a worker’s compensation claim is denied, it is advisable to contact a lawyer immediately. Dion & Goldberger provides free consultation over the phone or internet (E-Mail DionGoldberger@aol.com for 24 Hour Internet Consultation) and can usually determine whether or not you have a viable worker’s compensation claim within several minutes. You should never make presumptions on your own without checking with an attorney first. For example, the most typical situation which results in the need for injured workers to seek an attorney arises when the employer’s physician sends the injured worker back to work before he/she feels that he/she has fully recovered. If this should happen to you, you do not have to work in pain and risk making your injury worse– you should contact Dion & Goldberger immediately to ensure that your worker’s compensation rights are fully protected.
Dion & Goldberger handles all worker’s compensation cases on a contingent fee basis. We only get paid if you get a recovery. Our consultations are free and we give our clients the individual attention they deserve.
Send mail to DionGoldberger@aol.com with questions or comments about this web site.